
Welcome to Zatetic!

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As you might have noticed, zatetic is an adjective that means “pondering or questioning.” You may also have noticed that zatetic is not in the dictionary–It’s archaic. But a lot of old things are good: grandmothers, the beatles, soda pop (the kind with sugar, not high-fructose obesity juice), you get the idea.

Anyway, Zatetic started out a few years ago as a collaboration between me and my friends, but workloads and free time changed for all of us (that, and I tended to overwhelm the postage anyway). So, by and by, I pretty much claimed Zatetic for myself. Don’t be surprised if you see some guest postings on here, too, though.

Now, you’ll find my literary ramblings as I attempt to write a book, then abandon the idea, then come up with another, then abandon that, then return to my first idea…etc. Enjoy! And constructive criticism is always appreciated.

❤ Oasiss

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Narnie
    Jan 20, 2008 @ 21:33:53

    ha! My sentiments exactly… I look forward to reading more 🙂


  2. Amber
    Feb 11, 2008 @ 00:11:18

    I enjoyed browsing your blog! Very yummy recipes on here I’ll have to try.


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